
To continue development of our Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) and Community Story so that it accurately represents the wants, needs, and hopes of our people for our present and our future. These living documents will grow and adapt as our community does and will serve as tools for the people to learn and reflect on for years to come.


  1. Working towards achieving the goals laid out in the Comprehensive Community Plan that were derived from the Mino Bimaadiziwin Community Story and to continue adding to those goals as we move forward.
  2. Goals include: healing and wellness strategies, language and culture revitalization, building stronger connections with our members within the community and those living away, etc.
  3. Both of the documents must be reviewed and updated every few years by the community to make sure that we are making progress where we need to and to also ensure that new needs that must be met are included in the upgraded versions.
  4. The KSPFN CCP will be a roadmap that will lead us to be the healthy, sustainable, and thriving community that we believe it can be.
  5. These documents will always be meant to serve in the best interest of the people and to represent their voices as accurately as possible.


We are continuously working on “Quick Wins” implementation. A “quick win” refers to a project or initiative that can be done in a very short time, at low cost and can bring relatively fast and visible results. These small and visible successes will communicate better than any words ever could that the CCP is actually benefiting the community, and is worth investing in further in terms of people’s contributions of time and energy. Some of these are:

  1. Unity Gathering: we will continue to make this more ambitious Quick Win an annual event. The idea behind the Unity Gathering is to bring all of our people together in a good way to do things that our people have always done: share, teach, celebrate our culture, etc. We focus on highlighting the contributions that we are all able to make to the betterment of our community as a whole.
  2. Storytelling: Each of these events encourages those who attend to share their stories with the group if they are so inclined. We believe that in doing these storytelling’s our people will come together to learn from each other and carry on our tradition of Oral History and sharing.

Contact | Comprehensive Community Plan

Days Open: Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Closed: Lunch 12:00 to 1:00 | Statutory Holidays
Telephone: 519-786-2125 ext.115
Fax: 519-786-2108
Email: By Request Only
Mailing Address: 6247 Indian Lane, Kettle & Stony Point F.N., ON N0N 1J1
Street Address: Same
Website: None
Additional: None