
To create and sustain an environmentally friendly self-sufficient First Nation economy.


  • Oversees the daily operations and functions, identifying various funding sources and developing proposals under the direction of the committee based on the priorities set by Chief and Council.
  • The EDO is also responsible for the supervision of the Four Winds and Business staff and programming and other duties assigned.
  • Encourage and support community and individual development by facilitating and enhancing the local structures that create future employment and growth for business and community economic development success.
  • Economic Development also provides business support to First Nation members owned small businesses.

Economic Development Notice

RRRF Posting


Kettle & Stony Point Community Culture

Personnel | Economic Development

  • Dianne Thomas – Ec. Dev. Officer

Contact | Economic Development

Days Open: Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Closed: Lunch 12:00 to 1:00 | Statutory Holidays
Telephone: 519-786-2125 ext.114
Fax: 519-786-2108
Email: By Request Only
Mailing Address: 6247 Indian Lane, Kettle & Stony Point F.N., ON N0N 1J1
Street Address: Same
Website: None
Additional: None