Mission Statement:

Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Head Start Day Care Policy and Procedures Manual is an instrument developed in light of our reflection of our philosophy, used within the Kettle & Stony Point Head Start Day Care.  It is the medium by which management and staff plans, rules, intents, and organizational processes become documented and communicated by all staff.

In its creation management utilized the following legislation, early years’ frameworks, and guides: Child Care Early Years Act, 2014, “Think, Feel, Act”, How Does Learning Happen? Excerpts From the “Elect” Document, High/Scope Education Approach, Work Place Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS), Ontario Occupational Health and Safety legislation, along with the Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide First Nations, Inuit and Metis and Canada Food Guide.

The Policy and Procedure Manual is divided into sections: A Reflection of our Philosophy, Policy’s, Curriculum Policies, Resource Support Services Department Policies, Out Reach Program Policies, Forms, Resource Support Services Department – Forms, Out Reach Forms, Serious Occurrence documents, Reference Documents. This manual, and other supplementary documents, is used by management and staff as a tool for understanding, implementing and maintaining high quality child, youth and family support programs and services in Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point First Nation community.

Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Head Start Day Care will provide a strong foundation for the early years through a nurturing, holistic, healthy and safe environment.  We will preserve the Anishinabek way of life (culture) and language by promoting lifelong learning and acknowledging what each and every individual has to offer. Teachers view children as being competent, capable, curious and rich in potential. Children’s interests and curriculum planning go hand and hand, together, when preparing activities and goals for the children.

The mission of the Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Head Start Day Care is to connect families and children with the necessary services that will enhance their quality of life through providing a solid foundation that will instill a desire for lifelong learning for all. Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Head Start Day Care is committed to moving forward in reclaiming of the Ojibway language and providing optimal growth in all areas of the developmental stages. This enables children to become empowered socially, emotionally, physically and mentally prepared for their next stages of their lives.

The Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Head Start Day Care Program Statement is embedded in the Ojibway culture, Ontario’s research and legislation.  The Ojibway culture is rooted in a holistic way of life that encompasses a relationship with all living things, while experiencing success and celebrating individuality.

Educating young children means providing them with ongoing opportunities for active learning.  Young children in action develop initiative, curiosity, resourcefulness and self-confidence-dispositions that serve them well throughout their lives. In the High/Scope Educational Approach to Early Childhood Education, adult and children share control.  We recognize that the power to learn resides in the child, hence the focus on active learning practices.  When we accept that learning comes from within, we achieve a critical balance in educating young children.  The adult’s role is to support and guide young children through their active learning adventures and experiences.  This is what makes our program work so well.

The Head Start/Day Care Program incorporates the six components of the Head Start Program which includes;Education, Nutrition, Culture/Language, Social Supports, Health and Parent Involvement into the High/Scope   Educational Approach.

Through the “Wheel of Learning,” illustrates the curriculum principles that guide High/Scope teachers in their daily work with children.

Active Learning is the principal element of the High/Scope Educational approach.  It has five ingredients:

  • MATERIALS – A variety of interesting materials, are readily accessible to children
  • MANIPULATION – Children are free to move, handle, explore and work with the material
  • CHOICE – Children have opportunities to set their own goals and select materials
  • LANGUAGE FROM THE CHILDREN – Children communicate, verbally and non –verbally, what they are doing and what they have done
  • SUPPORT FROM ADULTS – Adults encourage the children’s efforts and help them extend or build upon their work by talking with them about what they are doing, by joining in their play, and by helping them learn to solve problems.

Why Active Learning Works:

Active learners become engaged in play and problem solving because they themselves choose to do so.

Motivation theorists suggest that children choose to become engaged in activities and interactions that are enjoyable, related to their current interests and that allow them to experience feelings of control, success and competence. Therefore adults in active learning settings can consider these factors as they plan experiences for children, conduct large-small group activities and interact in adult-child partnership.

How we support children’s active learning:

We recognize and encourage children’s intentions, reflections, problem solving and creativity.

We form partnerships with children; putting themselves on the children’s physical level, follow their ideas and interests and converse in a give and take style.

We seek out children’s intentions; acknowledging children choices and actions, use materials in the same way   children are using them, watch what children do with the materials and ask about their intentions.

We listen for and encourage children’s thinking; listen to children as they work and play, converse with children about what they are doing and thinking, focus on children’s actions, make comments that repeat, amplify and build on what the child say. Pause frequently to give children time to think and gather their thoughts into words and accept children’s answers and explanations even when they are wrong.

We encourage children to do things for themselves; standing by patiently and wait while children take care of things independently, show understanding of children’s mishaps, refer children to one another for ideas, assistance, and conversation, encouraging children to ask and answer their own questions.

Since many of us work with children with special needs, it is important to make sure we still view each child as an individual.  At the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation Head Start/Day Care Program, we believe that every  child is an individual.

An integrated educational setting prepares the children with special needs for the “real world of adulthood,” by teaching them in and about the real world of childhood. (Galloway & Chandler, 1978)

Our early intervention program helps identify at-risk children through the teacher’s observation of their   behaviour and development. Early intervention supports parents.  In one study of parents of pre-school children with special needs (Winton &Turnbull, 1981) approximately two-thirds of parents surveyed felt that a major benefit of early intervention was the assistance they received with the continuous responsibilities of caring for a child.

Placing children with special needs and typically-developing children in the same classroom is believed to enrich the environment, setting into motion complex modelling, reinforcement and expectation effect. Modelling is an important medium of learning. Typically-developing peers provide good models and are readily available in integrated settings. Children with special needs can acquire social and communication skills through observing and imitating their typically-developing peers-interactions that occur naturally in a classroom setting.


Toddler Full-Day Program – 8:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Ages 18 months to 2 ½ years

Pre-school Full-Day Program – 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Ages 2 ½ to 4 years

The Kettle & Stony Point First Nation Head Start / Day Care was one of the first daycare centres established on a First Nation. Contact us for more information. Miigwech!

 Full-Day Early Learning Program for 4-5 Year Olds (Junior Kindergarten)

Head Start/Day Care Program offers a Full-Day Learning program for children in the typical Junior Kindergarten age range (child must turn 4 before December 31st of the school year). This program runs from September to June.

Summer Program for Senior Kindergarten Children

Head Start Day Care offers a Summer Program for Senior Kindergarten children who are registered in the Senior Kindergarten program at Hillside Public School. The Kettle & Stony Point First Nation Head Start Day Care will look at each family’s needs on an individual basis in regards to admission into the program. Head Start Day Care children registered for summer registration will take precedence over registered Hillside students. The Summer Program will run from the beginning of July through to August. It will be on a first come first serve basis and not necessarily will the parent/guardian receive a space. Limited space is available pending staff availability and funding.

Program for Senior Kindergarten Children Before School, After School and during Hillside School Closures.
This program is for children registered in the Senior Kindergarten Program at Hillside school whose parents require care for their child due to work or school obligations. This program does NOT include professional development days.

Family & Community Outreach Program:

The Family & Community Outreach Program is a place where parents, caregivers and children can play and learn together. We promote learning for parents, caregivers and children through early play experiences. As parents and caregivers—you are your child’s best teacher!

The program includes: parent/child programs, home visits, parenting classes, book lending library, clothing exchange and parent resource library.

Programs are offered at various times throughout the week for children ages 0-6 years.

Resource Support Services:

  • Part time Speech/Language Pathologist
  • Full time Communicative Disorders Assistant
  • Full time Resource Teacher/Case Manager




The Kettle & Stony Point First Nation Head Start / Day Care was one of the first daycare centres established on a First Nation. As it enters its fourth decade of operation many of its students are second and third generation students. As a result of its ongoing commitment to excellence, Kettle and Stony Point Head Start/Day Care has become a leader among First Nations for its training, research and development initiatives.

Kettle & Stony Point First Nation Headstart Daycare Questionnaire 

K.L. Martin and Associates Corp. is currently undertaking a Feasibility Study for Kettle & Stoney Point First Nation Headstart and Daycare Program in order to plan for the future of the Headstart/Daycare building. The goal of this study is to determine if an addition and renovation would be beneficial for the community.

Kettle & Stoney Point First Nation would like to hear from you to direct Headstart and Daycare on the following questions concerning the development of the services provided.

Please follow the links provided to the questionnaire:

Kettle & Stony Point First Nation Headstart Daycare Questionnaire (google.com)

Kettle & Stony Point First Nation Headstart Daycare Questionnaire (google.com)


  • Amanda Wilson – Program Manager
  • Lisa Soudant – Assistant Program Manager
  • Pam Wilde – Family Program Coordinator
  • Letitia Greenbird – Family Support Worker
  • Stephanie Bixby – Cokes – Speech / Language Pathologist
  • Candy Lucas – Communicative Disorder Assistant
  • Brooke George – RECE
  • Sandi Golder – RECE
  • Theresa Cloud – RECE
  • Suzanne Bressette – RECE
  • Sophia Bressette – RECE
  • Denise Anderson – RECE
  • Janet George – RECE
  • Ruth George – Food Service Cook
  • Carl Wilde – Maintenance / Groundskeeper
  • Kelsey Hammond – RECE

Contact | Head Start / Daycare

Days Open: Monday – Friday 7:30am to 5:00pm
Closed: Statutory Holidays
Telephone: Head Start/Day Care—Preschool Site | Phone: (519) 786-4255
Head Start/Day Care—Kindergarten & Outreach Site | Phone: (519) 786-4940
Fax: Head Start/Day Care—Preschool Site | Fax: (519) 786-2020
Head Start/Day Care—Kindergarten & Outreach Site | Fax: (519) 786-3273
Email: lisa.soudant@kettlepoint.org
Mailing Address: Head Start/Day Care—Preschool Site: 9172 Tecumseh Lane, Kettle & Stony Point F.N., ON N0N 1J1
Head Start/Day Care—Kindergarten & Outreach Site: 6265 Indian Lane, Kettle & Stony Point F.N., ON N0N 1J1
Street Address: Same
Website: None
Additional: None