Kimberly Bressette
Jack Brown
Dave Cloud
Liz Cloud
Stan Cloud
Vince George
Melissa Monague
Carla Oliver
Alison Price
Congratulations to the newly elected Chief and Council. The Chief and Council became active as of Friday November 8 2024 and the current term will end November 8 2026.
The Chief and Council have been requested to attend the administration office this week to sign the required documents and to collect their electronic devices and Leadership Manual. Each member of Chief and Council has an email assigned for official band business if you need to reach out to them(Listed Below).
Community members are organizing a swearing in event in the near future with Covid safe considerations. Look out for an announcement on this in the coming weeks.
The first Council meeting will be the regular scheduled meeting of December 07 2020, the first Monday of the month. Council meetings run on a schedule of twice monthly on the first and third Monday of each month.
Council will work together in scheduling a Council Orientation/ Strategic Planning session in the coming weeks.
Chi miigwetch.
Band Council Meetings
Regularly Scheduled Band Council Meetings: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Meeting dates are subject to change due to statutory holidays and unforeseen community events.
Meetings begin at 4:30 p.m.
Strategic Priorities
Committees and Boards
Education Committee: Councillors Vince George & Marshall George
Personnel Committee: Councillors Ron George & Stan Cloud
Economic Development Committee: Councillors Stan Cloud & Al Wolfe
Sports & Recreation Committee: Councillors Marshall George & Liz Cloud
Health Committee: Councillors Ron George & Al Wolfe
Negotiations Implementation: Councillor Liz Cloud
Governance Initiatives Committee: Councillors Jack Brown, Stan Cloud, Ron George and Carmen Rogers
Financial Management Board: Councillors Liz Cloud & Vince George
Southwind Corp. Development Board: Councillors Vince George & Stan Cloud
Indian Hills Board: Councillors Jack Brown & Carmen Rogers
Housing Steering Committee: Councillor Carmen Rogers, Ron George & Liz Cloud (Alternate Stan Cloud)
Public Services Committee: Councillors Carmen Rogers and Jack Brown
Language and Culture Committee: Councillor Melissa Monague
Child and Family Services Advisory Committee: Councillors Ron George, Liz Cloud & Melissa Monague
Q: When do Band Council Meetings occur?
Regular Band Council Meetings are normally scheduled on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.
Q: How can I get on the Council Agenda?
You must submit your request in writing no later than the Tuesday prior to the Band Council Meeting. Your request may be delayed, if there is a full agenda.
Q: Who can attend the Band Council Meetings?
Kettle and Stony Point First Nation members are welcome to attend meetings. Occasionally, due to confidentiality issues, you may be asked to leave for a short period of time.
Q. How do we know what will be discussed at the Band Council meeting?
A copy of the Band Council Meeting agenda will be posted on the Council Chamber doors.
Q: Can we get copies of the Band Council Minutes?
Yes, approved Council Minutes are available from the Council Executive Assistant and posted on the main notice board in Reception and Four Winds Employment Centre.
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