The Kettle & Stony Point First Nation Chief and Council drafted a Land Code land law through Committee and consultation with Members .

The Land Code will replace sections of the Indian Act as they pertain to lands management. This process was made possible through the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management, which was ratified by Canada by the passage of the First Nations Land Management Act.

Prior to implementation, Members will have to accept the Land Code through a ratification vote on October 13th and 14th, 2017. Click to view NOTICE OF VOTE (Oct 13-14) or the Additional Day of Voting Notice (Oct 17 v2)

Once accepted, the Land Code will enable the First Nation to manage lands and resources at the community level. It will give the First Nation the freedom to develop the First Nation community without the strongholds and restrictions imposed under the Indian Act.

Land Code Vote News 2017

summary of LC – illustrated

Update Member Contact Info newsletter


Why a LC

Ratification Documents

Land Code
Individual Agreement (IA)
IA – Annex A
IA – Annex B
IA – Annex C
IA – Annex D
IA – Annex E
IA – Annex F
IA – Annex G
F.N. Land Boundary map
Community Ratification Process Land Code 2017

Background Documents

Summary of Land Code
Summary of Individual Agreement
Framework Agreement on FNLM
Summary of Framework Agreement
First Nations Land Management Act
Summary of First Nations Land Management Act

Voting Documents

Registration Document
Ballot Question

To provide your mailing address or a family member’s address, or to obtain a mail-in voting package, please contact the Administration Office.


First Nations Land Management Resource Centre



The Land Code Development Committee completed their goal of drafting a land code unique to our First Nation community by communicating the Land Code to the members and holding consultation meetings in and outside of the First Nation community.

We thank the Committee for their valuable input and time put into the development of the Land Code.

Helen Henry – Chair
H. Kelly Thomas
Sharon Bressette
Diane Henry
Judy Shawnoo
Betty Bressette
Keith Bressette
Pauline Bressette
Elizabeth Cloud
Barbara A Bressette

Staff Resource

  • Anna Batten – Lands Manager
  • Connie Milliken – Project Manager
Left to Right: H. Kelly Thomas, Helen Henry (Chair), Sharon Bressette, Diane Henry, Judy Shawnoo, Betty Bressette and Keith Bressette. Missing from photo: Pauline Bressette

Left to Right: H. Kelly Thomas, Helen Henry (Chair), Sharon Bressette, Diane Henry, Judy Shawnoo, Betty Bressette and Keith Bressette. Missing from photo: Pauline Bressette


Days Open: Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Closed: Lunch 12:00 to 1:00 | Statutory Holidays
Telephone: 519-786-2125
Fax: 519-786-2108
Email: By Request Only
Mailing Address: 6247 Indian Lane, Kettle & Stony Point F.N., ON N0N 1J1
Street Address: Same
Website: None
Additional: None