Hillside School Mission Statement:

Our binoojiinyag (children) are our future and each child is a unique individual with unlimited potential. With parental guidance and support, our goal is to achieve a high standard of excellence in education and to inspire a profound desire for knowledge in all our children. Therefore, Kettle & Stony Point Hillside School will be a community-based school which will proudly preserve and renew our cultural identity and inherent rights while providing students with the confidence and essential tools to pursue their individual career goals and become productive members of our Nation.


Kettle and Stony Point Education Services oversees the administration of AHS/Daycare, Elementary, Secondary and Adult Education. In addition, we coordinate and operate school transportation, the Community Centre and the Public Library.

Hillside Indigenous Scholarship Information


Hillside School Facebook Page


Hillside School Elementary Online Learning Resources


School Bus Information

On weather days (fog/snow) the Kettle Point Secondary Buses will not run in the morning or the afternoon.  This happens when buses are cancelled in Zone 1. Bus cancellations are announced on the radio, the Kettle & Stony Point Secondary Students FB page, the LKDSB website and the cklass.ca website (school bus info.). Also, there will be no lunch delivery on these days as well.  If parents/guardians choose to drive their students to school on these days – please ensure that they take a lunch and arrange for a ride home.



William Tichenoff – Director of Education

Robert Bressette – Principal

Kylie Bressette – Secondary/Post-Secondary Indigenous Lead

Beverly Bressette – Administrative Assistant

Courtney Bressette/Dylan Bressette – Secretary

Classroom Teachers

Julia Van Riel George – S.K.

Amy Rombouts – Gr. 1

Julia Ciufo – Gr. 2

Gillian Sherwood – Gr. 3

Kevin Nielsen – Gr. 4/5

Shaylen Cloud – Gr. 6/7

Jeff Nace – Gr 8

Ojibway Language and Land-Based Learning Teachers

Nicole Monague, Junior/Intermediate: Grades 4 – 8

Jill Jackson, Primary: Kindergarten to Grade 3

Student Success Team

Cheryl Leduc – Science/Technology/Engineering/Math (STEM) Lead

Kristy Love – Literacy Lead

Vince Mnidokah – Resource Lead

Stephanie Bixby-Cokes – Speech Pathologist

Shelley Litt – Special Education Coordinator

Laurie McCarthy – ABA Specialist

Marcy Vandenboom – Communicative Disorders Assistant (CDA)

Carrie Bulgin – Occupational Therapy

Education Assistants

Susan Buchanan

Sylvia Cloud

Victoria Hamilton

Trish Ryan

Emily Wilde

Secondary School Staff

Mel Shone – Indigenous Student Advocate – NLSS


Quinton George
Darcy Bressette
Hunter Bressette

Bus Drivers

Joanne Akinson

Amy Fournier

Joy Lewis

Wallace Kaczanowski

Hillside School Nutrition Program

Cheryl Cloud, Cook

Sherry Bressette, Kitchen Helper

Bus Monitor

Charmaine Thomas

Contact | Hillside School

Days Open: Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm
Closed: Statutory Holidays
Telephone: 519-786-6903
Fax: 519-786-6904
Email: By Request Only
Mailing Address: 6265 Indian Lane, Kettle & Stony Point F.N., ON N0N 1J1
Street Address: Same
Website: None
Additional: None